6 Reasons You Should Go To The Reunion
- "I can't afford it..." We have extra funds for folks who do not have the extra money for non-necessities at this time. Send us a request and we will see what we can do. We all need help sometimes! Click Here
- "No one I know is coming..." This is a great opportunity to think about who you would like to see at the reunion, make contact with them and go together. Their email link may be on the directory. If not, help the committee find them and send in their information.
- "I probably don't have anything in common with people who I haven't seen since high school..." Everyone has changed a lot over the years and there were many wonderful shared experiences that we had with our classmates during a very special time in our lives. You may even be surprised at how much we have in common with each other.
- "I'm embarrassed to go because nothing in my life has changed..." You may be discouraged because life has been hard, disappointing and you might feel embarrassed or ashamed by life's outcome or lack of accomplishments. But there will be classmates who come to the reunion who have traveled a long way and at great expense because they want to reconnect with everyone. You will find that we all have disappointments in our lives and are not nearly as cool as we thought we were at Reynolds. People who are discouraged are commonly the ones who end up enjoying reunions the most.
- "I'm fat. I'm old. I'm bald. I'm divorced. I'm unemployed..." What's great about reunions is that everyone has shortcomings and insecurities. It's not long before classmates realize that people don't care about those things. The joy of the event is just reconnecting and reliving those friendships and shared experiences from the past.
- "I hated that time of my life. Why would I want to relive it?..." It's common for some folks to have apprehension. Many had resentments, jealousies, rivals, etc. For many though, it is a rare and wonderful opportunity to put those issues behind them.