Reunion Awards
Awards will be presented at the Saturday Night Main Event.
1. Christopher Columbus Award (traveled farthest to attend)
2. Indiana Jones Award (most adventurous)
3. Cliff Clavin from Cheers Award (still living at home with parents)
4. Sleeping with the Enemy Award (married someone from a rival school)
5. Sweethearts Award (high school sweethearts who got married)
6. Ozzie and Harriet Award (married the longest)
7. Brady Bunch Award (largest family living in the house)
8. Fertile Myrtle Award (most children)
9. Latest Edition Award (newest baby)
10. Kojak Award (most hair loss)
11. Don King Award (male with the most hair)
12. Die Hard Award (has taught or teaches at your high school)
13. Elton John Award (most creative attire for the night)
14. Ringling Bros Award (most unusual occupation)
15. Howard Hughes Award (person least likely to show up, but did)
2. Indiana Jones Award (most adventurous)
3. Cliff Clavin from Cheers Award (still living at home with parents)
4. Sleeping with the Enemy Award (married someone from a rival school)
5. Sweethearts Award (high school sweethearts who got married)
6. Ozzie and Harriet Award (married the longest)
7. Brady Bunch Award (largest family living in the house)
8. Fertile Myrtle Award (most children)
9. Latest Edition Award (newest baby)
10. Kojak Award (most hair loss)
11. Don King Award (male with the most hair)
12. Die Hard Award (has taught or teaches at your high school)
13. Elton John Award (most creative attire for the night)
14. Ringling Bros Award (most unusual occupation)
15. Howard Hughes Award (person least likely to show up, but did)