Family:My wife's name is Renae. We have five daughters and five grand daughters a female dog and a female rabbit. Didn't plan it to be this way but am very blessed. Our youngest who is 13 is the only one left at home so we still have a few years before we catch that syndrome I've been looking for, an empty nest.
Before ACR: Haw Creek Elementary
After ACR: Left Asheville in 79. Spent 4 years in Spain in the Air Force. Moved to Chattanooga in 83. Got a BA in Bible and a MDIV from Temple Seminary. I build houses for a living. Don't really have a bucket list. Just want to live everyday to the fullest and accept with thanksgiving whatever The Lord sends my way
Last updated 10/8/2013
Bucket List
Live everyday to the fullest and accept with thanksgiving whatever The Lord sends my way