Favorite Dessert:Really dark chocolate and a glass of good Cab
Favorite Ice Cream: can't have ice cream
Favorite Books:"Undaunted Courage" Stephen Ambrose "Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Southern Appalachians" William C. Roody. Numerous other fungal field guides and almost anything by Douglas Preston and/or Lincoln Child
Favorite Movies:Forrest Gump, All the Star Wars
Favorite Music: Blues, oldies, some bluegrass
Hobbies:Collecting and consuming wild foods, especially fungi. Brewing, wine and mead making. Fishing. Gardening.
Family:Married my second wife Dorothy (Pat) in 1989 Step daughter Elizabeth born in 1972 Elizabeth has two children Caelan and Olivia Daughter Jennifer born 1973 no kids One curmudgeonly tomcat called Opie
Before ACR: Oakley Elementary
After ACR:Navy, then Blue Ridge Community College where I learned the auto collision repair trade. Shop manager for a local dealer, then one of the largest independent shops in the state. Picked up an Insurance Adjuster's license and worked claims both as an independent and as a Senior Staff Adjuster. After being "aged out" I began to dabble in the stock market and residential real estate. My wife and I formed our own company. We bought, remodeled, sold and/or rented many properties carrying the mortgages on many of them. In 2004 my health began failing. I finished my last remodel project late that year and turned all my rentals into notes by making all the renters homeowners. I retired on disability in 2005. That same year we cleared about an acre of our land and planted about 700 blueberry plants. I always wanted to grow things.
Last updated 7/2/2014
Bucket List
I'm actually very content but traveling would be fun
Searun brown trout in Argentina
Pan for gold (and fish) in Alaska
Build a winter home in Costa Rica or Panama or Ecuador